Questions and Answers Part 3 – Dye Lots

Good morning, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! This week, we would like to continue our “Question and Answer” series. We have been getting some great questions from our amazing crafters and we would like to take a moment to try and answer some of them. 

      Have you ever wondered why two balls, hanks, skeins, etc. of yarn that are from the same company have the same color name on their yarn sleeve, but look like completely different colors? It is actually very common; you’re not seeing things. Believe us, we run into it all the time. The example photo shows the variance that occurs within the same brand’s colorway.

      The reason has to do with the “dye lot” of the yarn. Most of the time, there is going to be some variance even within the same colors, especially from different dye lots! Generally, no two dye lots are ever the same. And, that’s okay. We are knowledgable crafters; we can account for that. If you are starting a project that requires more than one ball, hank, skein, etc., try to get all of the required yarn from the same dye lot number. Some yarns will not have a dye lot number and will simply state “no dye lot.” In this case, trust your eyes. They are really pretty reliable. If you need a reminder about where to find the dye lot number on the yarn label, please follow the link below to check out our blog on “Demystifying Yarn Labels”

Help Our Cause

Happy Saturday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! If you don’t do the whole needle-arts thing, you can still support our cause of helping our Nation’s underprivileged veterans and their dependents through making a monetary donation. Even the smallest donation is significant! Visit our web shop at where you can make a monetary donation in return for gifts such as a silicone wristband or a stress football. If you found that you needed more green in your wardrobe this year, we have some awesome green wearables! There are also some amazingly beautiful, hand-crafted garments created by our talented and dedicated staff that are available as well. Any monetary support that you can provide will help us in covering the costs of materials, shipping, and overhead.

Another way that you can help T.H.R.I.V.E. Association is through Amazon Smile, where any purchases that you make through Amazon will automatically donate a small percentage to us with no additional cost to you. If you are an Amazon shopper, but haven’t yet signed up for Amazon’s Smile program, please go to and follow the sign-up process there. You can find and choose T.H.R.I.V.E. by searching for “thrive association” in the choose your own charitable organization search bar. We are listed as “Thrive” located in Dallas, TX with the description that starts with “In remembrance and appreciation of the sacrifice that our military veterans have made for their country…”

Alachua County Stand Down

Happy Friday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! T.H.R.I.V.E. Association was able to gift our lovingly hand-crafted goods to our partners at the Alachua County Veterans Center Stand Down in Gainesville, Florida. We were able to provide 21 blankets, 100 hats, 18 slippers, and 120 masks to our veterans and their dependents. We would like to express our deepest thanks to our partners at the Alachua County Veterans Center as well as to all of our donors who made this possible.

Adult Mental Health First Aid

Happy Friday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our community partners at the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority for graciously providing the much needed Adult Mental Health First Aid training course. We are so grateful for having the opportunity to attend. We would also like to thank our instructor, Mr. Josh Munkeby, who was very knowledgable about the course material and willing to share his experience as well as best practices. As an Organization with lived experience in helping individuals experiencing mental health crises, we know first-hand that it is very difficult to know what to do when these delicate situations arise. They are sometimes terrifying and can catch anyone off guard. However, we strive to be better prepared so that we are more able to serve both our community and stakeholders.