Keep It Coming, Crafters!

Happy Monday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! Please keep your donations coming for the upcoming Stand Down events starting in September. The expected turnouts of underprivileged veterans and their dependents are even larger than last year at these Stand Downs and we need your support! Also, remember to follow these simple guidelines when crafting a garment for our veterans and their dependents:

As crafters, it is sometimes tempting to use flashy colored yarns/textiles, color work, and fancy stitches in our crafted goods. However, these qualities are by and large not desired by the community that we serve. These proud individuals tend to prefer darker colors and straight-to-the-point garments. We want to provide them with what they need. The vast majority want either straight camouflage or solid blacks, blues, greens, grays, reds, and royal purples. If you have your heart set on practicing your color work, then sports team colors are always a fan favorite.

When you donate your handcrafted gifts to T.H.R.I.V.E. Association for us to disseminate at VA Stand Downs, the veterans and their dependents are ultimately the ones who chose what they will accept. Please understand that we are not trying to be persnickety or impose arbitrary rules. Over the years, we have witnessed numerous instances at Stand Downs where veterans would rather leave empty handed (in freezing temperatures no less) than accept garments that they deemed were undignified. This is always so heartbreaking! Therefore, it is essential to always keep the recipient of every handcrafted gift in mind.

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