Pro Tip for Cast Ons, Part 2

Happy Monday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family. Continuing on with our cast on series, here’s a super simple knitting tip that can save you in a pinch:

Say that you’re on the train or at the office and you only have your yarn, your pattern, and the called for needle size for your chosen project – what can you do if you need to make your cast on more stretchy for your project? You can simply hold the two needles together and cast on as usual. This effectively increases your gauge without any added fuss. It’s so simple and very effective. In fact, several of our volunteers have had great success with this technique! Sometimes even the simplest techniques can get us the results that we’re looking for!

St. Patrick’s Day 2025

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! Are you wearing your green today? If not, make sure to check out our webshop to get some of our popular green bracelets and t-shirts to not get pinched and also to rep your support for our mission to help our underprivileged military veterans and their dependents. And for our beloved crafters out there, don’t forget that green is an extremely popular color to use for your lovely handcrafted gifts of hats, scarves, mittens, etc. with our veteran community. The green garments are always some of the first to be chosen at Stand Down events. Everybody loves green – men, women, and children alike! ☘️

We’re on Bluesky!

Happy Monday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! You can now also find us on Bluesky Social! Give us a follow where we’ll be sharing our mission to provide a hand up to our nation’s underprivileged military veterans and their dependents!

Help Support our Cause!

Happy Monday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! Please consider making a one-time or monthly monetary donation to support our mission. All monetary donations are tax deductible and directly help to cover the costs of materials, shipping, and overhead. Check out our web-shop where you can show your T.H.R.I.V.E. pride with our branded stress footballs, t-shirts, and popular wristbands! No donation is too small, as every dollar goes to help further our mission of providing our great nation’s underprivileged military veterans and their dependents with lovingly handmade garments as they continue on their road to recovery from homelessness.

Pro Tip for Cast Ons

Happy Monday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! We are starting a Pro Tip for Cast Ons series to help take your crafting to the next level!

Have you ever noticed that hats that you’ve made in the past have squeezed your head at the cast on row but fit perfectly well everywhere else? Likewise, have you made scarves or other garments where the cast on row is noticeably tighter than the rest of the garment? If you find yourself having tight cast ons, but knit/crochet true to gauge for the rest of the garment, this simple yet highly effective pro tip could be just the ticket!

For tight cast ons, try moving up a needle/crochet hook size for the cast on row. For example, if your chosen garment pattern calls for a size U.S. 8 knitting needle, try using a size U.S. 9 just for the cast on, and then change back to the requested size U.S. 8 knitting needle and continue knitting the rest of the garment. This highly effective technique is the simplest solution to tight cast ons. It keeps the cast on row looking neat and tidy while also providing some much-needed stretch to the garment.

Additional Pro Tip: You can use this same technique for the cast off row if you find that to be a tricky area, too.

Presidents’ Day 2025

On this Presidents’ Day, we wanted to reflect on some quotes from one of our country’s greatest leaders – Abraham Lincoln.

”May our children and our children’s children to a thousand generations, continue to enjoy the benefits conferred upon us by a united country, and have cause yet to rejoice under those glorious institutions bequeathed us by Washington and his compeers.”

“In times like the present, men should utter nothing for which they would not willingly be responsible through time and eternity.”

We’ve Got the Valentine’s Day Gifts for You!

Happy Monday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! Valentine’s Day is this Friday! If you’re still looking for the perfect gift for that special someone in your life, you can’t do better than giving a monetary gift to help further T.H.R.I.V.E. Association’s mission. A monetary gift in your loved one’s name and/or some of our popular merch make for great, thoughtful gifts. All donations to T.H.R.I.V.E. Association are tax deductible and will aid us in our mission to offer a hand up to our underprivileged military veterans and their dependents!

Donate for your Loved One

Happy Monday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! It’s already February and Valentine’s Day is coming up soon! If you’re looking for the perfect gift for that special someone in your life, please consider giving the gift of a charitable contribution to help further T.H.R.I.V.E. Association’s mission. A monetary contribution in your loved one’s name or some of our merch make for great, thoughtful gifts. All monetary contributions to T.H.R.I.V.E. Association are tax deductible and will aid us in our mission to offer a hand up to our underprivileged military veterans and their dependents!

The First Stand Downs of 2025

Happy Monday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family! We’ve got the first Stand Down events of 2025 that we are partnered with coming up soon, so please keep sending in your hand crafted donations! We are in need of more hats, scarves, gaiters, and lap blankets to support the homeless veteran communities that these Stand Downs serve. Please send in your donations as soon as possible (or make arrangements to schedule a pickup if you are in the DFW area).

If you’d like to donate a hat, scarf, lap blanket, or other handcrafted garment to our cause, please remember that the veterans and their dependents prefer dark colors (e.g. blue, black, green, grey, and all-time favorite, camouflage). If you would like to knit, crochet, or sew a garment in a brighter color, red or deep purple are always popular bright colors. We cannot emphasize this important point enough: please do not use sparkly or overly decorative yarns and fabrics. While they have their place, they are simply inappropriate for the veterans and their dependents.

If you are not a crafter, but would like to help, there are still many ways to support our cause! Please consider donating materials and/or making a monetary donation to help us cover the costs of materials, shipping, and overhead.

If you have donations and are in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, we are still continuing our policy of curbside pickup. Please contact us to schedule a pickup. If you reside outside the DFW area and would like to make an in-kind donation, you can ship your donations to us here in Dallas. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Remember, even one lovingly handcrafted hat or scarf can make a huge difference in the life of an underprivileged veteran or their dependent(s)!

MLK Day 2025

Happy Monday, dear T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family. Today, we reflect on the legacy of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and his teachings of hope, unity, and equality for all.