The Double Moss Stitch Scarf

Happy Friday to our T.H.R.I.V.E. Association family!

The scarf in this photo was made using one of our all-time favorite stitch patterns: the Double Moss stitch. The Double Moss stitch provides a beautiful texture, and the best part of all is that it is reversible! It is a relatively simple pattern, but it does take some concentration not only to the pattern but also to ensure that your tension remains consistent. The pattern for the stitch can be found below:


Yarn: We use worsted weight, but any weight will work for this pattern

Knitting Needles: Appropriate for the weight of yarn for your project (can be found on the yarn sleeve)

Tapestry Needle for weaving in ends


CO: Cast On

Sts: Stitches

K: Knit

P: Purl

BO: Bind Off

Scarf Pattern:

Cast On in Multiples of 4 plus 2, and 2 extra for the edge stitches. In our case, it would have been 42 stitches for the pattern, plus 2 stitches for the edges, which gives us a total of 44 stitches.

CO: 44 Sts

Row 1 (Right Side): Slip the first stitch purl wise. *K2, P2, repeat from * to the last 3 sts. K3

Row 2: (Wrong Side) Slip the first stitch purl wise. *P2, K2, repeat from * to the last 3 sts. P2, K1

Row 3 (Right Side): Slip the first stitch purl wise. *P2, K2, repeat from * to the last 3 sts. P2, K1

Row 4 (Wrong Side): Slip the first stitch purl wise. *K2, P2, repeat from * to the last 3 sts. K3

Repeat rows 1 through 4 until the garment reaches the desired length; 60 inches (152.4 cm).

BO and cut yarn leaving a six inch tail. Weave in ends.

For our scarf, we used 5 mm, U.S. size 8, needles and Lion Brand Pound of Love. To ensure that the scarf would be wide enough to be used to cover both the neck and mouth of a veteran (or dependent) living in cold climates, we cast on a total of 44 stitches and worked until the piece measured 60 inches (152.4 cm).

Pro Tip: To ensure neat edges on scarves, remember to cast on two extra stitches for the edges. For patterns such as the Double Moss Stitch, slip the first stitch purl wise and knit in pattern until the last stitch. Knit the last stitch and then turn your work. Do this for every row until you reach the desired length.

Please make sure that any donated scarves are at least 60 inches (152.4 cm) in length so that the wearer can wrap it around themselves comfortably. Also, remember that the dear veterans and their dependents prefer dark colors, e.g. blue, black, green, grey, and all-time favorite, camouflage. We cannot emphasize this important point enough; please do not use sparkly or overly decorative yarns. While they have their place, they are simply inappropriate for the veterans and their dependents (including children because of choking hazards).

Although several of the Stand Downs that we support have been postponed or have had to be altered to keep our communities safe in this current pandemic, we are still collecting goods that will be sent to the various V.A.s throughout the year so please, please keep crafting! If you are not a crafter, but would like to help, there are still many ways to support our cause! Please consider donating materials and/or making a monetary donation to help us cover the costs of materials, shipping, and overhead. If you need yarn, or other supplies, please contact us through email at or by phone at (469) 427-9654. If you have donations, we are still continuing our policy of curbside pickup. Please contact us to schedule a pickup if you are in the DFW area. If you reside outside the DFW area and would like to make an in-kind donation, please contact us to make arrangements. Remember, even one lovingly handcrafted hat can make a huge difference in the life of an underprivileged veteran or their dependent.

A Thanks to Red Cross

Happy Friday! We would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to the DFW Chapter of the American Red Cross. We are so grateful for their continued support of our mission to provide handcrafted goods to our nation’s homeless veterans and their dependents. Their lovely handcrafted hats and scarves are sure to be a big hit at the upcoming Stand Downs.

Although several of the Stand Downs that we support have been postponed or have had to be altered to keep our communities safe in this current pandemic, we are still collecting goods that will be sent to the various V.A.s throughout the year so please, please keep crafting! If you are not a crafter, but would like to help, there are still many ways to support our cause! Please consider donating materials and/or making a monetary donation to help us cover the costs of materials, shipping, and overhead. If you need yarn, or other supplies, please contact us through email at or by phone at (469) 427-9654. If you have donations, we are still continuing our policy of curbside pickup. Please contact us to schedule a pickup if you are in the DFW area. If you reside outside the DFW area and would like to make an in-kind donation, please contact us to make arrangements. Remember, even one lovingly handcrafted hat can make a huge difference in the life of an underprivileged veteran or their dependent(s).

The knitted garments used for this photo were a few of the donated items from the Red Cross’ recent donation.

Memories and Rules on Color

As T.H.R.I.V.E. Association is preparing to send our annual parcels of donated handcrafted goods to the various Stand Downs across our great nation, we find ourselves remembering all of the wonderful veterans and their dependents that we have served in the previous years. Casting our minds back to a time when we were able to attend Stand Downs in person, we remember the many faces of the noble men and women whom we serve. They were all such wonderful people.

Please remember that many of these individuals are veterans (many of whom have served in theaters of war) who are keen to preserve their dignity – which they are wholly entitled to. Although pink and sparkly yarn might be fun to work with, it is not the preference of either the male or female veterans or their dependents whom we serve. We ask our volunteers and donors to please keep that in mind as they are crafting for our cause. Many of our brave veterans and their dependents prefer darker colors (e.g. black, blue, green, grey, brown, camouflage). The only exceptions that we have found to that rule are the deeper reds and sports teams colors.

Although several of the Stand Downs that we support have been postponed or have had to be altered to keep our communities safe in this current pandemic, we are still collecting goods that will be sent to the various V.A.s throughout the year so please, please keep crafting! If you are not a crafter, but would like to help, there are still many ways to support our cause! Please consider donating materials and/or making a monetary donation to help us cover the costs of materials, shipping, and overhead. If you need yarn, or other supplies, please contact us through email at or by phone at (469) 427-9654. If you have donations, we are still continuing our policy of curbside pickup. Please contact us to schedule a pickup if you are in the DFW area. If you reside outside the DFW area and would like to make an in-kind donation, please contact us to make arrangements. Remember, even one lovingly handcrafted hat can make a huge difference in the life of an underprivileged veteran or their dependent.

Scarves Needed & Curbside Pickup

Happy Friday to all of our wonderful crafters, supporters, veterans, et al! Thank you all so much for your awesome support during these difficult times. We are working tirelessly with our Community Partners to find the best way forward through the crisis at hand. T.H.R.I.V.E. Association remains vigilant in its mission to ensure that our veterans and their dependents receive our essential hand-crafted goods.

Our organization is currently gearing up to serve several upcoming Stand Downs and we greatly appreciate all of the generous donations that we have received. However, there is still a ways to go to meet the anticipated demand. Our goal for the upcoming Stand Downs is to have as many scarves as there are hats. It is important to us that each veteran and dependent is provided a complete set rather than having to chose between the two much-needed items. As the numbers stand currently, there is a need for more scarves. There are several amazing free scarf patterns available on,, and if you would like inspiration.

For our volunteers who live in the Metroplex, T.H.R.I.V.E. Association will continue our policy of residential curbside pickup of donations until the danger of Covid-19 has passed. If you have donations that you would like to turn in, please contact our office by phone at (469) 427-9654, or send an email to to arrange for a pickup time and date. Mr. Torrey Mirow is normally in charge of those pickups and he will call/text you to keep you updated about arrival time, etc. Additionally, please let us know if you need any yarn or other materials to complete projects for our veterans and their dependents. These materials will be put in a sealed bag with a “check out” slip enclosed and exchanged at the residential curbside location.

Our staff is continuing to monitor the situation across the United States very closely. We know that these are trying times for everyone – especially the homeless veteran population that we serve, who were already incredibly vulnerable prior to the pandemic. We will continue to strictly observe the guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control as well as those issued by the numerous municipalities that we aid.

The Gainsville, FL Stand Down is Served!

We have sent 120 of our beautiful, handmade garments to the Gainsville, FL Stand Down being held on February 20th. Many thanks to our dedicated staff, volunteers, donors, and community partners!

Stand Down This Saturday!

We would like to thank the American Red Cross again for their continued support! We are so very grateful for all that they do for us! Their awesome donation of 40 exquisitely knit hats and 27 scarves will be deeply appreciated by our veterans and their dependents.

T.H.R.I.V.E. Association is going to take part in Operation Care’s Stand Down in Dallas this Saturday. We are still collecting goods to distribute to the over 700 veterans and their family members who are expected to attend. If you have donations that you would still like to turn in for this Saturday’s Stand Down, please call our Chief Officer, Victoria Walker (469) 427-9654 so that we can arrange for a pick up.

2017 Metroplex Stand Downs

2017 was a great year for T.H.R.I.V.E. Association! We are proud to have participated in many amazing Stand Downs around the Metroplex. Although we had record numbers of veterans, we were still able to ensure that each veteran and/or dependent who came though our line was served and is now the proud wearer of a handmade hat and/or scarf.

These Stand Downs left us with beautiful and moving experiences that we will carry with us for all time. It was a joy to see many of our dear veterans walking around proudly wearing their newly acquired handmade goods, all the while keeping our “handmade with love” tags visible to all. So many of the people that we served were deeply touched by the fact that our items were handcrafted and were grateful that our volunteers took the time and effort to make them. For instance, one of the gentlemen equated his new hat to his treasured grandmother-made blanket, which told us he carried with him in his backpack. These gifts really do enhance their morale and are deeply cherished.

We have many Stand Downs on the horizon this year, so there is still time to make items for our veterans. Please keep sending in your handmade hats, scarves, etc. so that we can continue to support our veterans and their dependents!

DROPS Florence Hat & Neck Warmer

We would like to take a moment to say goodbye to a beloved mother, friend, and devoted volunteer, Mrs. Anne Walker. She had been with T.H.R.I.V.E. Association almost from the beginning and had championed our cause at every opportunity. She will be remembered for her warm hugs, perseverance, and her maternal love for all of us. Rest in peace, Mom. We love you.

Mrs. Anne Walker: September 1964- August 2017


This week’s free pattern is a beautiful set, developed by Drops, called “Florence”. Although we admit that this pattern took a bit more concentration, it was very rewarding and well worth the time! The garment is simply stunning! And, despite its appearance, it is incredibly warm.

Please click the link below to get your copy of the pattern:

Also, as a bonus, there are how-to videos on the page to help you with many of the needed techniques!

In closing for this week, we have a few general announcements. As we get closer to the colder months, please make sure to start sending in any donations that you want to receive credit for this year so that we can catalogue them and ensure that they are sent out to upcoming Stand Downs. Further, as many of our volunteers have asked, we are no longer hosting the Friday Night Craft-a-thon at Half Priced Books. (We know that fighting Dallas rush hour traffic on a Friday night can be treacherous!) Please note that we do have many other community crafting events and will continue to develop more, so stay tuned. Also, we are developing a map of all of the Stand Downs that we partner with across the U.S. and its territories. This map will contain several key pieces of information about the demographics of the veterans and their families. Additionally, we do get wish lists from each Stand Down which help us set our goals. Our aim here is to be as transparent as possible to our volunteers and community partners. Also, we hope that these resources will aid our volunteers in knowing what to make and help them decide where they would like their goods to go.

Needed: Cowls and Scarves!

Are you still looking for a project for our homeless military veterans and not quite sure what to make? We have a solution. We took stock of all the items that we currently have and posted our metrics on the T.H.R.I.V.E. Association website’s homepage. If you have not done so already, be sure to check it out! This is going to be our gauge to let our volunteers know what items are still needed. If you already have some items completed, please be sure to send them in as soon as possible so that they can be counted, sized, and labeled. Remember, we will be giving out some awesome prizes to our top three most productive volunteers this year!

So, as our chart on our homepage shows, one of items that we need most right now are scarves and cowls. With that, here is a free pattern for a crocheted cowl, which is certainly one of our favorites – it is the Millbrook Cowl from Lion Brand.


Continuing the Celebration with a Free Hat Pattern!

This week, as promised, we present to you a fantastic granny square hat pattern, compliments of Yarnspirations. It is unique, colorful, and at first glance perhaps intimidating, but we promise that it is wonderfully easy to complete. The Bernat Granny Stripes Hat is worked in multiple colors, so it is an excellent opportunity to practice your color work!

The pattern can be found here.

Additionally, there is a free corresponding video tutorial on the pattern’s page to aid you. The video even goes into how to alter the pattern if the hat is too big, or how to account for looser crocheting. We encourage our crafters to download the pattern and crochet along with the video!

As a side note to our crafters, if you find a pattern that you like, please feel free to make as many as you want. There is no requirement to make each donated item different. Who knows, we may have many veterans who want or need the same item.

* Footnote: although this week’s pattern calls for five colors, we decided to make a hat that would match with last week’s cowl which was two colors. These patterns are flexible, so be creative!