Last Call for Washington State Stand Down

Tomorrow, 10/14/20, T.H.R.I.V.E. Association will be sending a package of our lovely handcrafted goods to the wonderful veterans in Washington State. We are still accepting donations for this shipment. So, if you live in the DFW area and have last minute donations that you would like to turn in for this upcoming Washington Stand Down, please call our office at (469) 427-9654 or email us at to arrange for a pickup.

There are numerous other Stand Downs right after this one that we will be serving, so please keep crafting. If you need ideas, please feel free to check out our blog for free patterns.

It’s Stand Down Season

Over the past two months, we have sent out over 440 of our lovingly handcrafted goods to the wonderful veterans in beautiful Fairbanks, Alaska and the great states of West Virginia and Kentucky.

There is still time to donate! We have many Stand Downs coming up, with the next one in mid-October in Washington state. We are in desperate need of scarves in particular, however hats, mittens, etc. are still needed. There are other ways to donate if you are not a crafter. Please consider making a monetary donation to help us cover the costs of materials, shipping, and overhead. If you need yarn, or other supplies, please contact us through email at or by phone at (469) 427-9654. If you have donations, we are still continuing our policy of curbside pickup. Please contact us to schedule a pickup if you are in the DFW area. For those outside of the DFW area, please ship your donations to our office at:

T.H.R.I.V.E. Association

9329 Springwater Dr.

Dallas, TX 75228

Remember, even one lovingly handcrafted hat can make a huge difference in the life of an underprivileged veteran or their dependent.

Please Stay Safe

Due to the rising health concerns for our volunteers, staff, and the community which we serve, T.H.R.I.V.E. Association will be putting ALL of our knitting groups on hold until further notice. We ask that you stay safe and follow what our global health experts have advised – proper hand washing protocol and self-quarantine however possible to prevent the further spread of the COVID-19 virus.

To help combat cabin fever among our crafters in this time of self-isolation, we would like to share a free simple pattern from Red Heart Yarns. Please follow this link to view the Daydream Hat pattern.

If you are a veteran or a dependent of a veteran and need our help, our office is still open and will do our best to aid you. Please feel free to reach out- even if you just need to talk in this dark time: (469) 427-9654. Please remember that we are here for you.

A Call to Crafters

We’ve been busy this past month, having sent 100 items to Fairbanks AK and 200 items to Huntington WV! Our goods were well loved by the veterans who received them, so thank you for all of your support and hard work. However, we still have several Stand Downs coming up, such as Fort Worth and Dallas TX, and need your help to meet the needs of the veterans at these events. We are short on hats and scarves in the darker shades of black, blue, green, grey, and camouflage. We need your support to meet the numbers at these Stand Downs, in the colors and styles that the veterans prefer. So please, send in your work as soon as you can!

Meeting Goals


As a special thanks to all of the hard work put forth by our dedicated volunteers, T.H.R.I.V.E. Association has fresh homemade vegan apple pie for our Dallas Chapter! Each week we strive to provide our local volunteers with homemade vegan goodies.

If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out one of our volunteer forms here. Remember, it is not necessary that you know how to craft; if you are interested in learning, we would love to teach you at one of our weekly Craft-a-thons. Also, if you have a skill set that you’d like to donate, feel free to contact us here. We’d love to hear from you!

Last year, T.H.R.I.V.E. Association was able to provide 36 items to the Homeless Veterans Stand Down. We promised ourselves, and our community that we would continue to grow until the needs of every former service member was met. By continuing to recruit new, dedicated volunteers, we’re on our way towards reaching that goal. Way to go volunteers, we’re very proud of you!

On November 8, 2016, T.H.R.I.V.E. Association will distribute our collected handmade goods to the underprivileged military veterans. Please remember to send all wet blocked finished garments to our headquarters.

Summertime Progress

First, in keeping with our tradition, it’s time to introduce this week’s vegan treat- blueberry muffins, made by our IT guy, Torrey! In preparation for several upcoming events, our Chief Officer taught our lawyer, David, to knit and Torrey crocheted his first hat solo! Way to go guys! Finally, it has been a fantastic week for T.H.R.I.V.E. Association! We have been able to welcome more volunteers! Thanks to all of you out there for volunteering and helping to spread the word about our Organization! We really couldn’t do all this without your support.