It’s Stand Down Season

Over the past two months, we have sent out over 440 of our lovingly handcrafted goods to the wonderful veterans in beautiful Fairbanks, Alaska and the great states of West Virginia and Kentucky.

There is still time to donate! We have many Stand Downs coming up, with the next one in mid-October in Washington state. We are in desperate need of scarves in particular, however hats, mittens, etc. are still needed. There are other ways to donate if you are not a crafter. Please consider making a monetary donation to help us cover the costs of materials, shipping, and overhead. If you need yarn, or other supplies, please contact us through email at or by phone at (469) 427-9654. If you have donations, we are still continuing our policy of curbside pickup. Please contact us to schedule a pickup if you are in the DFW area. For those outside of the DFW area, please ship your donations to our office at:

T.H.R.I.V.E. Association

9329 Springwater Dr.

Dallas, TX 75228

Remember, even one lovingly handcrafted hat can make a huge difference in the life of an underprivileged veteran or their dependent.